Railway spikes can be retrieved from the corpse of a hostile target.The rifle appears to be semi-automatic since the Sole Survivor doesn't cock it before or after each shot.Very often there are spikes stuck in walls and bodies after a fight.the camera will follow the flying limb or head for quite a while before giving up. Also, pinning does not always happen in outdoor areas. The limb-pinning effect affects heads.The railway rifle was brought back from Fallout 3, and shares a similar appearance to the original.Railway rifles only spawn when the Sole Survivor is above level 20, with the exception of the one carried by Desdemona during the quest Tactical Thinking.Tinker Tom occasionally sells one railway rifle.Carried by Desdemona during the quest Tactical Thinking.Bedford Station - Inside a blue railway car attached to a locomotive.Potential reward for completing the Railroad quest Underground Undercover and starting Precipice of War.There is a fuse box to turn on between the buildings before the door will activate. After hitting the switch, access the trapdoor by jumping on top of the car. The power switch is near the automobile-powered main gate to the salvage yard, attached to a power cable that runs to the blue railway car. In order to enter the shelter's trapdoor, the power must be switched on.

The reason that the rifle is more effective in V.A.T.S. The railway rifle is most effective in VATS at close to mid ranges, although its range is somewhat increased from its last incarnation and can be greatly increased with modifications. In exchange, the railway rifle has become enormously more powerful from its last iteration while retaining its ability to do extreme damage to limbs-sometimes even pinning detached ones to walls. These are rarely found as ammunition, but are cheap to buy and can be recovered from enemies slain using the weapon. The railway rifle fires railway spikes as projectiles in the same manner as an air rifle.